Guide to the Updated Eligibility Requirements for the Certified Healthcare CPD Professionals (CHCP) Credential - Recertification

Background: The purpose of the CHCP credential is to provide an educational self‐assessment experience to individuals employed in the healthcare continuing professional development (CPD) field, as well as to define a standard of minimal competence for the healthcare education profession.  In 2024, the eligibility criteria for the CHCP credential were updated to place greater emphasis on active involvement within the CPD community through informal education, engagement, and work experience.  Enhanced accessibility to the CHCP credential within the CPD community is a key objective of these changes.

KEY UPDATE 1: Updated requirements for each of the 2 eligibility sections, including:

  • Section 1: Healthcare Professional (HCP) CPD Education / CPD Engagement: You must fulfill either education or engagement.
    • A: Informal Education: Within the last 3 years, you must have completed at least 20 hours of education pertaining to the CPD of healthcare professionals. Neither job-related functions nor clinical educations meet this element. 
      • TIP:  Please enter the time associated with educations in “hours”.
    • B: Engagement:  Within the last five years, you must have demonstrated engagement in activities supporting CPD for the healthcare professions.  This may include but not be limited to:
      • Volunteering within or for local, state, regional, national, or international organizations dedicated to HCP CPD, medical societies or associations, professional healthcare membership organizations, accredited organizations offering CE credit for HCPs, or other related areas. This may also include peer review for published or presented HCP CPD content. Serving as a peer reviewer for accrediting bodies also may be included. 30 hours of volunteering effort (i.e. participation in a state/local/regional/national organization, serving as a peer reviewer, or surveyor,) meets this requirement.
        • TIP:  Please enter the time associated with volunteering in “hours”.
      • Membership in any professional organizations related to CPD for the healthcare professions (eg, the Alliance; GAME; NAMEC; AMEE; MACCME; GACME; IACME; CACME, etc) or other professional associations. You may be asked to provide additional information on why a membership may meet this criterion. At least 1 year of membership in any professional organization (i.e. ACEHP, SACME, GAME, NAMEC, AMEE, MACCME, GACME, IACME, CACME, or other) meets this requirement.
        • TIP:  Please enter the time associated with membership in “years”.
      • Other engagement pertaining to the CPD of healthcare professionals that can be described in the Eligibility Form.  Examples include but are not limited to publishing or presenting content related to the CPD of healthcare professionals.
        • TIP:  Upload a file to provide additional information about other engagement.  This could include an example of the publication, poster, or a Word document explaining the application of the content to CPD for the healthcare professions.
  • Section 2: Work Experience: You must have a minimum of three years of part-time or full-time employment or contracted professional experience related to CPD of the healthcare professions within the last three years. Your on-the-job experience is an asset in your journey toward CHCP certification. If you have an unpaid position, such as a long-term volunteer position, you may include it here.

KEY UPDATE 2: Candidates should complete the Recertification Form located on the Alliance website to renew a CHCP credential.  Please note that the Excel worksheets utilized in prior years have been retired.  Please complete each section in the online surveys corresponding to the eligibility requirements (described above).  Upon review by the CHCP Eligibility Committee, candidates will be contacted by the Alliance staff to discuss the next steps regarding their recertification. 

INTERESTED IN MENTORSHIP DURING YOUR CHCP JOURNEY? The Alliance’s mentorship program is developing a dedicated group of mentors/mentees to provide peer connections with current CHCP professionals in the CPD community.  If you are interested, please sign up at here or email

MORE INFORMATION: For more information regarding the CHCP certification, please visit the CHCP Handbook and the Getting Started page on the Alliance Website.

QUESTIONS:  Please email with additional questions. 

SUGGESTED IMPROVEMENTS:  The CHCP Eligibility Committee welcomes feedback and suggestions for ongoing improvements to the eligibility process.  Please email with your ideas.