Who We Are

2023 - 2026 Strategic Plan

The Alliance strategic planning prepares the organization and the Continuing Professional Development Profession to achieve goals and set objectives to negotiate our changing environment. Our strategic plan is a living document. It is systematically reviewed to ensure relevancy and value to the professional and the profession. Input during the strategic planning process is gathered from members, leadership, colleagues, and the board of directors. In 2023, we will be focusing on Objectives 1a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3c, 4a and 4b. 

Strategic Goal 1: Support of Members: The Alliance will produce education and resources that address member needs and challenges in a manner that reflects adult learning principles and best practices.

Objective 1.a: Create and implement an annual education plan addressing the career development needs and continuous quality improvement efforts of our members and the healthcare CPD community at large.

Objective 1.b: Enhance the organizational development and production processes to advance programmatic excellence with multi-channel content on a predictable schedule that provides value to the membership.

Objective 1.c: Foster transparency on educational product development by sharing with the membership on a consistent schedule.

Strategic Goal 2: Ensure the Alliance’s financial stability: The Alliance will have a sustainable and attainable revenue model.

Objective 2.a: Diversify revenue streams by establishing value-driven business development with external vendors and sponsors.

Objective 2.b: Analyze membership recruitment, retention strategies, and financial models to ensure they align with member needs and support the organization’s operations.

Objective 2.c: Annually ensure, during the budgeting process, that membership revenue exceeds pre-determined operational expenses.

Objective 2.d: Create a structured review mechanism/process to vet and prioritize innovative new product lines and delivery methods.

Objective 2.e: Conduct annual review of the product portfolio to ensure products are fiscally sustainable.

Strategic Goal 3: Develop a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The Alliance values and will improve the diversity of our membership and leadership in a manner that addresses equity and inclusion.

Objective 3.a: Develop a policy statement on DEI that goes beyond culture/ethnicity, gender identity, disability, and age, without minimizing their importance, to include other aspects of diversity of profession and practice settings in the healthcare CPD community.

Objective 3.b: Prioritize outreach to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in our efforts related to Objective 4.b.

Objective 3.c: Communicate the expectation of increasing diversity and equity of representation in committee membership and all levels of leadership.

Objective 3.d: Develop membership and leadership recruitment strategies that foster greater diversity and inclusion.

Strategic Goal 4: Advance the Profession: The Alliance will amplify the importance of the CPD profession.

Objective 4.a: Elevate professional recognition internally and outside of the profession.

Objective 4.b: Expand the pipeline of healthcare CPD professionals, including interactions with colleges, universities, and graduate schools.

Objective 4.c: Exhibit thought leadership for the profession that promotes excellence in healthcare CPD.

BOD approved on 05/31/2023